When the dotcom bubble burst in the mid-2000s, the foundation of EADS (now Airbus Group) as a cross-border industry giant epitomized the success of Franco-German collaboration in the business community. At the time, Google was a 2-year-old start-up, Mark Zuckerberg, an anonymous 16-year-old student. Most of what is part of our daily digital life today did not exist. In the meantime, the digital dimension has imposed itself on our world as one of the major levers transforming companies, governments and societies. Further- more, it is commonly recognized as the new imperative for economic growth.
Germany and France, in many respects the driving forces of the European Union, must embrace digital and other innovative technologies to make sure that Europe stays at the forefront of development. This is not only important with regard to new products and services, but also vital in order to reinforce the competitiveness of our traditionally high-quality, high-performing industries. Digital is everywhere. …
Quelle / Link: Towards a Franco-German Digital Valley